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4-Year Olds

Our 4-year-old classes focus on skills for school readiness, providing many hands-on learning activities, letter and phonemic awareness, number awareness, math skills, Bible time, working together in groups, large motor skills, fine motor skills, music and playing games. 

A child must be 4-years-old by September 1st of the school year and be toilet trained.

Program Highlights

Bible Stories/Songs/Character 

Weekly, children are taught Bible Stories, songs. They also spend time talking about and working together on relationships and good character qualities as individuals and as a group.

Reading/Language Arts

Pre-reading and reading activities will be presented such as letter recognition and a portion of Jolly Phonics, rhyming activities, language development skills, reading a large variety of books and acting out stories.

Math/Science Activities

Exploring quantity, numbers, counting, one-to-one correspondence, sorting and classifying, graphing etc. Science activities include practicing observation skills, making a volcano, floating objects, activities with 5 senses, and exploring and observing our wonderful world.

Daily Art/Craft Projects

Every day children participate in cutting, gluing, painting, coloring, and creating. Some of the work projects focus on teacher instructed, following directions activities.

Play/Interest Centers

50 play centers are rotated throughout the year.

Large Motor Time

Gym time is a part of everyday. We have 4 large motor choices: our beautiful 2-story indoor play center, a large gym for bike days and large motor games,a small gym to ride cozy coupe cars, play with balls, tunnels and numerous other gym equipment and the outdoor playground behind the church.


Each day/week is centered on a theme. From there we plan a craft/ art project, read a book, plan activities and games. Some themes that we will cover during the year are: friendships, nursery rhymes, creation, nature, animals, owls, farms, acorns, seasons, reptiles, insects, Noah’s ark, alphabet letters, bugs and more!

Class Options






9:00–11:30 am



12:45–3:15 pm

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